Don't have much time to elaborate today, but I will be writing another post about this company in greater detail within the next few weeks, but wanted to share something with you since I have been m.i.a. for a bit.
Let's talk about Vaughn de Heart and their first design "Les gens courageux". This saying in French translates to "The fearless ones". Apparently the words are referring to the creator's (RoyLyn Le'Vaughan Palmer-Coleman) fear of starting this awesome little t-shirt company. To be honest I do not know what the fear was at all. All of these t-shirts are to the point and bold. The tees are not bold in a tacky or over the top way either, there is a simplicity and elegance to them which I greatly enjoy.
I do appreciate the message behind this shirt though. We all have fears, the fear of failure holds many of us back from taking risks and reaching our true potential. I commend Vaughn de Heart for taking that leap and coming out with a unique fun product. If you are into this tee as much as I am pick it up for $22. Enjoy!
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